About Me

I'm a bilingual, freelance content writer

With years of experience and high qualifications in advertising and journalism, I bring you the best of both worlds: branded content. As a native Hungarian fluent in English, I serve clients with both local and international audiences. My main area of expertise is software-as-a-service (SaaS), where I can relish the challenge of transforming technical or scientific concepts into compelling stories.

I earned a BA in business studies at Budapest Business School (BGF) in 2001 and an MA in journalism at Aarhus University, Denmark and Swansea University, Wales, UK in 2012, in the framework of an Erasmus Mundus Masters program. In 2008, I also obtained a degree in journalism at Hungary's most prestigious J-school, MÚOSZ Academy.

Apart from a few internships at online publications, however, I spent most of my 22-year career as a copywriter at top-notch ad agencies in Budapest, Hungary, such as Team Y&R, Ogilvy, DDB, and Saatchi&Saatchi.

In 2020, I switched to freelancing, with an exclusive focus on writing long-form B2B content. I've forged lasting partnerships with SaaS clients, and this is the direction I intend to follow going forward.

"Gabriella is a very creative person who knows the communication industry inside-out. It is a joy to work with her as she can make decisions independently if needed, while being a great team player at the same time."

- Daniel Halász Fischer, Photographer & Visual Artist

“I really appreciated her curiosity, honesty and constructivity. It’s unquestionable that she’s a wonderful writer in multiple languages, but she’s great with conceptual thinking and ideation as well.”

Veronika Kistamás, Account Director at Café Communications (Budapest)

"She has that enviable quality of being both innately creative while at the same time being superbly methodical and organised. Good communication skills in multiple languages and a keen eye for design trends make her the complete package."

Eric Rainsberry, Executive Creative Director at Publicis Groupe Hungary

How I work

Time is my most precious resource. At any given moment, I'm available for project-based or ongoing assignments only in a limited number of weekly hours. In order to make the most of my time, I track the hours spent on each project and share monthly reports with my clients.

I work remotely, but not in isolation. Home office works for me just fine. But in order to stay in the loop and to conduct interviews, I need to be regularly in touch with clients and experts.

Writing is just the tip of the iceberg. According to my records, in 2021, less than half of my hours (42 percent) were spent actually writing. Ideation played an important part (8 percent), while even bigger chunks of my time were dedicated to research (12 percent), interviews (10 percent) and, of course, editing (23).

As you can see, I rely heavily on data. My articles are built around clients' case studies or A/B test results. In order to support arguments, I use statistics (whose validity I check with journalistic rigor). Most importantly, I need to keep tabs on live articles' performance stats in order to see what's working and what's not.

"Examples" is my middle name. If I were to create a word cloud of all articles I've written, "for example" would definitely stand out. I believe even the most technical material can be made more palatable with real-life examples and fitting analogies. 

What can I do for you?

For an update on my current availability, rates and terms, please contact me. 

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